
New Generations Service Exchange
is a short-term, customizable program
for university students and professionals
up to age 30, combining their professional
goals with a humanitarian project.

 The Rotary New Generations Service Exchange program provides university students and young employees with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures and career opportunities through the lens of a different culture, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.





Rotary Districts involved

5000 +

Students have participated.

Our Rotarian Mission

Provide young adults with exposure to different cultures ranks as one of the most powerful ways to promote international understanding and peace, planning activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training.


Where is your next
experience going to be?

About the program:

What are the benefits?

– Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
– Learn another language
– Build your professional skills and gain international experience
– Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service

What is an exchange like?

With your host Rotary district, you’ll plan activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training. Exchanges:

– Last from a few weeks to six months
– Can be arranged for individuals or groups
– Need not be reciprocal

You can chose from:

Non-Paid, Non-Academic Internships.

These are normally exchanges for individuals. The duration of the exchange is regulated by local laws and visa requirements. The exchange shall not be longer than the limitations of the tourist visas. The participants stay in host families who provide appropriate room and board. A workplace has to be arranged before the exchange begins.

Group Exchanges

These exchanges vary from four to six weeks. Groups normally include six to ten participants. These may be from the same vocational or educational areas. The participants stay with host families who provide room and board at no cost. During their stay, the participants get practical exposure to their educational or vocational field.